On Saturday nights, The Greg Gutfeld Show has become one of my favorite things on television. This Saturday was no different as co host Timpf absolutely shredded the Green New Deal.

“AOC has completely lost her marbles, I think she’s living in banana land.”

Earlier this week she called herself the boss for coming up with the Green New Deal, How are you the boss when you come up with a plan that doesn’t work?” -Kat Timpf

Timpf was on fire, and she’s spot on The Green New Deal doesn’t work. $93 Trillion dollars in 10 years, we can’t even pay the National debt that we owe?

“Are you sure the Green New Deal isn’t what you’re putting in your pipe and smoking every day? I don’t understand I can come up with plenty of plans that don’t work.”

This was straight fire, and I encourage you all to watch this fiery explosion from Kat Timpf on the Green New Deal.

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