Watch as 60 Minutes calls out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her conflict of interest.

According to 60 Minutes, Pelosi and her husband have participated in at least 8 IPO’s. 60 Minutes reports that the Pelosis purchased 5,000 shares of Visa Stock at $44 per share. Two days later it was trading at $64. Legislature to block these types of things never made it to the floor of the House.

That means they invested $220,000 and in two days that turned into $320,000. How many of you would like to make $100,000 in two days, with the snap of a finger?

Pelosi refused an interview with 60 minutes. Watch the special below, it’s very very good.

9 responses to “HOLY SH*T ’60 Minutes’ Exposes How Pelosi Makes BANK Using Sneaky Stock Market Manipulation (VIDEO)”

  1. How is she any different than Martha Stewart?

  2. That’s easy. She won’t go to jail, she won’t be investigated by Anyone at Anytime and also, She gets the government to pay her booze bill.

  3. Sounds like their above the law . Actually are, nobody checking any infraction by Dem’s.

  4. She is mafia afterall. Her daddy got reeelected in his day with help from mafia

  5. You conveniently left out mentioning anything about GOP members John Boehner, Spencer Bachus, Dennis Hastert and Judd Gregg who were also part of the same news piece

  6. they make the laws then exempt themselves from the laws. . interesting . .we must fight to change this. .they must not be above the law

  7. […] 60 Minutes on how Pelosi corruptly exploits her position to generate cash in corrupt stock deals, wh… […]

  8. She needs to go to Prison PERIOD

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